
Bitcoin Adoption: BitPay restore all Bitcoin wallets and Twitter to Roll out Bitcoin banking app

Bitcoin Adoption BitPay restore all Bitcoin wallets and Twitter to Roll out Bitcoin banking app

Driving mainstream adoption 👏

On 4 Feb, the leading provider of Bitcoin (BTC) and cryptocurrency payment services, BitPay, announced that the firm would soon allow invoices to be paid from any BTC wallet or exchange.

BitPay CEO Stephen Pair said that because their customers wanted support on all BTC wallets, the firm decided to put control back into the hands of more than 30,000 active merchants on BitPay by re-enabling support for all of them. 🎉

Pair also mentioned that they will automate the entire process for merchants, allowing them to take advantage of peer-to-peer transactions without needing technical development or implementation.
This is expected to greatly expand their potential to boost sales and obtain new customers.

>> Bitcoins to Philippines Peso

Twitter Co-Founder-backed fintech startup rolls out Bitcoin banking app

Faster ⚡

A financial services company backed by Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone, Mode, has launched its Bitcoin (BTC) banking application on iOS devices.📱

On 4 Feb, fintech-focused media agency Finextra reported that the app was made available worldwide (with the exception of the U.S.), allowing users to credit funds almost immediately using a “Faster Payments” process.

Head of Communications and Marketing at Mode, Ariane Murphy, said that the application tackles transaction restrictions problems, low speed, high costs, dearth of security and the poor user experience usually linked to BTC applications

About author


Morris is a Technology enthusiast and a writer by night. He has been a part of TheTechly for quite some time and he contributes knowledgeable news articles from the Technology niche.
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