
Google Play apps with 470k downloads can log in to your Facebook and Google accounts

Google Play apps with 470k downloads can log in to your Facebook and Google accounts

A smorgasbord of action, as bank deception, stealing of private info, and malware.

On Thursday, Researchers recognized two new virus movements directing Android workers.

The first intricate nine apps that the users installed from Google Play for up to 470,000 times. With names such as Speed Clean and Super Clean, the apps posed as values for improving device working. They also linked to servers that can install as many as 3,000 several viruses alternatives on co-operated devices. 

When you download it, the apps can log in to users’ Facebook, and Google accounts. In this way they will run ad fraud. Another dissimilar movement used skilfully made phishing emails. Through these emails, they guide users into downloading one of the worst parts of viruses. The focused on the Android OS (more about that later).

Not the Play security you are searching for

When you download, the application behaves as boosting up linked to an attacker-controlled attendant. They can install other malware apps that will perform several other fake operations as:

  • Show ads from real publicity stages like Google AdMob and Facebook Audience Network. They also motivate the users to click on the ads. 
  • Download reward apps from the ad networks and working them through simulated surroundings to make them more secret.
  • Deceiving users into allowing Android to reach approvals and showing play security, the virus scanner created into Android. 
  • Through the availability option to post bogus reviews and also log in to users’ Google and Facebook accounts

Anubis profits

Another operation revealed on Thursday uses a clever phishing operation to pollute Android devices with Anubis. It is possibly one of the poorest and most imaginative bits of viruses written for the mobile OS.

When you click OK, the app restricts Play Protect and increases 19 agreements. Researchers from Cofense, the protection firm that recognized the operation. They also unsure the trick is the result of the false message. The message cover and block the reliable Android dialog.

Anubis then orders sick devices to see if 263, unlike banking and shopping apps, are downloaded.  When you open any app, the viruses use a join screen to phish the account password for the app. 

They also contain:

  • Taking screenshots
  • Allowing or altering administration settings
  • Opening and visiting any URL
  • Restricting Play Protect
  • Recording audio
  • Developing phone calls
  • Getting the contact list
  • Monitoring the device through VNC
  • Sending, receiving and removing SMS
  • Barring the device
  • Encoding files on the device and outer drives
  • Examining for files
  • Recovering the GPS addresses
  • Seizing remote control instructions from Twitter and Telegram
  • Pushing joins
  • Reading the device ID
About author


Morris is a Technology enthusiast and a writer by night. He has been a part of TheTechly for quite some time and he contributes knowledgeable news articles from the Technology niche.
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